49 Great Russell Street
020 7242 8987
The Museum Tavern has always been handily placed for scholars and academics using the British Museum which stands across the road. Nowadays the clientele is more likely to come from the thousands of tourists who visit the museum.
The pub itself almost has museum status, with its glorious etched and cut glass windows, original ornate bar counter and bar back and carved wooden fittings, all dating from 1889 when it was lavishly refitted. The windows show that the pub was once divided into different rooms: Public Bar, Private Bar (once reserved for regulars approved by the landlord), Saloon Bar and Luncheon Buffet (photos 1-4).
Past customers of the Museum include authors J.B. Priestley and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and revolutionary and writer Karl Marx.
Real ales are Greene King Abbot and IPA plus two guests, and food is available all day.
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